La Verne’s Municipal Code and Bicycles

It is likely that most residents and cyclist do not know that the La Verne Municipal Code has a complete chapter (Chapter 10.56) governing bicycles and bicycling. 

The code outlines a mandatory licensing program for bicycles.  “It shall be unlawful for any person to operate or use a bicycle upon any street, alley or public highway within the city without first obtaining a bicycle
license therefor. This section shall not apply to a nonresident bicyclist who is passing through the city.” (10.56.020)   The section outlines how fees are set, charges for transferring/selling a bike, and the establishment of a bicycle safety fund which would be used for safety and funding bike lanes.  Although still on the books, the program is no longer enforced as the cost discouraged people from registering their bikes.  In fact, the Police Department encourages people to register their bikes as it helps them id stolen bikes and possible criminals.  

The code also outlines specifications for bicycles such as maximum height for handlebars, how close to the road pedals must be (likely ruling out some recumbents, tall bikes. etc), mandating attributes of handlebar grips (would ODI grips met the requirement?), and maximum seat height (likely ruling out most properly fitted road bikes and mountain bikes).  

Finally, the code defines riding behavior where bike lanes exist, including mandating that cyclists use these lanes when present.  It’s not clear, but can be assumed this would also mandate that cyclists use the sidewalk bicycle paths on Wheeler and Fairplex.

The complete text of the Municipal Code can be found on the LVBC website, or by following this link:  Municipal Code Chapter 10.56

Claremont is growing green

Claremont has always been the local leader in implementing bike infrastructure.  Over the last year, Claremont has begun to implement green highlighting in areas with higher volume and or greater risk of conflicts.    While the use of green paint for visibility/safety is widely adopted in many cities, Claremont is at the forefront of adopting the use in the area.  This week Claremont completed its 3rd intersection incorporating green paint for enhanced safety.  The new lanes are at the Towne Avenue interchange with the 210 freeway, an area especially challenging and intimidating for non-vehicle users.

For La Verne this serves as a good local case study.  La Verne also has a similar freeway crossing at Fruit. (one offramp East of Towne Avenue).  This is a primary route for cyclists who need to connect between the upper / lower portions of La Verne, or access the major East Bound Routes  (Baseline or Bonita).  However, La Verne currently has no plans to create a North / South Route, and although the Bicycle Commuter Gap Closure Project included expanding bike lanes along White, the Fruit/210 interchange was specially excluded leaving a gap. 

Claremont deserves recognition for making the extra effort to address this complex intersection.

What are La Verne’s elected officials positions on Active Transportation?

Over the last year, the La Verne elected officials have become much more aware and supportive of Active Transportation issues in La Verne.  In 2017 LVBC surveyed the candidates for Mayor and City Council to better understand their positions.    You can find their answers by selecting “Engaging Elected Officials” in the “About La Verne” Section of this website.

Although change is occurring slowly, the majority of our elected officials are very supportive of change, which is critical for progress. - A compiled view of plans for Active Transportation

It is well known that La Verne visibly lags other cities when it comes to “on the ground” bicycling infrastructure.  What is less known is that many of La Verne’s guiding documents have specific plans and diagrams outlining a fairly robust network of bike lanes and paths.  However, it can require a fair amount of effort to locate the various plans to create a complete picture.

The “Plans and Documents” of the “About La Verne” Section pulls all the biking/walking related sections of La Verne’s formal guiding documents into a single location.   This allows you to easily click on each, and see what was planned and compare them easily. 

Additionally, this page contains an overview of the Bicycle Gap Closure Project, a project that La Verne proposed as part of a grant application.   La Verne was successful in its application and is now in the design phase for this project.  Here you will find the original diagram proposed, a modified version presented to City Council and the full grant document.

La Verne is in the process of developing a new General Plan, as well as its first-ever Active Transportation Plan in 2018.  These are welcomed and anxiously anticipated improvements.  However, while they are likely to include more up-to-date designs (addressing the realities of the 210 freeway and the Gold line), most of the existing diagrams are likely to be incorporated as they are fairly logical.

Follow this link to take a quick look:  About La Verne - Plans and Documents

Help LVBC id groups and rides

La Verne has the benefit of being located in an area with many organized groups.  These groups plan a large number of group rides of all types (mountain and road), for all levels(from beginner to expert).   Not only do these provide opportunities to meet and ride with others, many of the groups start, finish or visit businesses in La Verne.

On its new website, LVBC is building a comprehensive view of the groups and the rides of interest.  A single view of all the groups in the surrounding area, along with contact information is available.  Additionally, a list of regularly - reoccurring rides that start/ finish/ visit or travel through La Verne has been developed, giving a quick view by day of the week.

You can find both lists, plus other information on where to ride here.


La Verne General Plan Survey

La Verne is currently developing a new General Plan which will set the priorities and direction of the City for the next 20 years.  Initial workshops have been encouraging as the need for safer and better bicycling/walking has been a prominent part of the discussion.  As part of the process, the City is now conducting a survey, and yes there are questions related to bicycling improvements, and opportunities to make suggestions.   This is an easy way to help shape what La Verne will look like in the coming years.  You can find the link to the survey here:

Bicycling on Foothill Blvd to get major improvements (in Claremont)

Claremont recently gave final approval to a major redesign of Foothill Blvd which will include pedestrian improvements and protected bike lanes (the first in the area?)  On the East end these will connect with the lanes recently implemented by Upland during their rehab.   La Verne currently has no plans to improve Foothill Blvd, and it was recently repaved and repainted in its prior configuration.  Foothill is also one of the streets with the highest number of bicycle involved collisions within the City. 

Claremont closer to $16 million rehabilitation of Foothill Boulevard

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