You know you are making progress when……

Last night at the La Verne City Council meeting, the council went through the normal agenda.  At the conclusion of each night is an opportunity for each council member to discuss past and upcoming events.  Last night, three of the four members spoke about bicycling related topics.

  1.  Muir Davis encouraged everyone to attend CicLaVia, and mentioned that the City would have a “Council Corner” from 10:00 - 2:00 where City Council members would be available to answer questions.
  2. Robin Carder gave an upbeat review of the Bicycle Revolution Showing at ULV, and reiterated her support for making progress.
  3. Mayor Don Kendrik started his comments by discussing the delivery of SPIN bikes at ULV, and how they are already starting to be seen across the city.   He even gave a brief overview of how the program is run and the costs.

    None of these are actually major announcements, rather they are part of the positive trend where bicycling is a part of the normal conversation.   And slowly as it becomes part of the normal conversation it becomes part of the culture.  And really, culture change from a “cars only mindset” is the pre-requisite to reaching our potential as a bike-friendly community.  Last night was a good night.

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