La Verne Candidate Responses - Active Transportation Plan

Candidate Survey Question #6

Active Transportation Plan:   Historically, La Verne was one of the few regional cities which did not have an Active Transportation Plan.  The city is now in the process of developing its first Active Transportation Plan, which will be included within the Mobility Section of the General Plan which is also being updated.  
Have you participated in any of the public workshops or input opportunities related to the Active Transportation Plan?  What are some priorities you would like to see addressed and included in the plan?

Mayoral Candidates

Don Kendrick
I was a member of the General Plan Advisory Committee, meeting approximately 15 times on all aspects of the update.

Tim Hepburn
I have been at some of the workshops and am currently on the Active Transportation commision. We must continue to have open discussion with all of our residents so as we move forward we try to be all inclusive with our decisions moving forward.

Zach Gibson
I have not participated in any public workshops or input opportunities related to the ATP. Safety and accessibility are two things that need to be addressed. I would also like to see the accessibility of communal bikes (Metro Bike Share, and the like) and additions of bike parking in public/community spaces as well as incentives for private spaces and businesses to support and promote green transportation.

City Council Candidates

Jeremy Milici
I have not had any personal input in any sort of public workshops relating to Active Transportation. Though as I stated before, I do have various priorities relating to these topics. Ensuring the safety of pedestrians is a must. Along with this, improving the quality of such active transportation is a critical component to our City’s success. A focus on La Verne’s Gold Line stop, improving conditions for students to bike to and from school (through the use of a once a month “bike to school day” as I stated earlier, pursuing the creation of an attractive local trail throughout the city which will connect nature to local infrastructure and an overall initiation of Bicycle Gap Closure Projects.

Kenny Chang
I have not heard much about the public workshops in regards to the active transportation plan. as to priorities, there are many, but will need to see the current plan first to better determine properly categorize the priorities.

Rich Gill
Thank you for this question as well, I was not aware of the ATP until I pointed it out.  Now that I have looked at some web pages that had the information I can get a better understanding.  Traffic is our biggest problem people that are trying to head west on the 210 during peak hours have used our streets to reduce delays and increase the traffic along Foothill, Baseline, Bonita, and Arrow.  At this point, I do not see a simple solution. I would like to talk to the current committee to see what has transpired since their last meeting.

Rick Crosby
I have not currently participated in the public workshops but would like to see all the safety procedures which are included in the plan.

Wally Emory
Yes. I worked with a Pasadena bike committee on a path through Pasadena and South Pasadena down into the Arroyo and ending up in L. A.  The project failed. The neighbors would not sign off on the plans. 

Wendy Lau
I am aware of the development of the Active Transportation Plan as that was information shared at one of the Planning Commission meetings. I have also reviewed Kittelson’s Active Transportation Plan online map and like how the public is able to input their comments/concerns on the map. This is necessary feedback from actual users of the roadways and will be vital for evaluating and implementing improvements.

Based on the comments provided thus far, I think it would be prudent/beneficial to sort through them and identify the ones that directly relate to safety versus something like convenience or “nice to have.” I believe the highest area of priority should be toward ensuring that our roads are safe and accessible for all modes of travel and people.